Old Posts 2017
Tomorrow's meet has been changed to 4 PM at Northgate HS. Our bus will leave from the YMCA at 3 PM and we will have a 1/2 hour to warm up before the start of the meet.
Hello QV Swim & Dive,
As some of you are aware our first meet of the season is this Thursday!!! It is an away meet vs. Northgate. Our bus will depart from the YMCA at 4 PM, the meet begins at 6 PM.
Come prepared to race with your QV CAP, googles (probably spare goggles), a black or dark colored suit if you have one (our suits are not in yet) and WATER and SNACKS (deck shoes, towel and warm clothes to wear between races are also a good idea).
You will find out what you are swimming on the bus on the way to the pool.
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!
Thank you all for taking a bit of time out of your busy school schedules to meet with me last week.
To start, please check the information on this sheet and add your parent email, suit size and club team email (if you have one). Additionally, if there is anyone that is planning to swim or dive and is not on this sheet please add them to the bottom.
Now to start with our swim goals...
Linked here is your "Swim Book" it is in view only. Please go to "file" and chose "make a copy" once you make a copy please share it back with me. I'd like you to complete page 3, "Goal Setting" before the start of the season. The rest of the book will be a resource to you throughout the season. You are welcome to look through it but do not feel obligated to do anything additional with it. Page 1 has a brief description of with this book is for.
Divers ---> I'd like to introduce you to Haley Ashner! She will be your diving coach this year. We are very excited to have her and her expertise as your coach for this season!
If anyone has any questions for me between now and Nov. 17th please do not hesitate to reach out.
Hello QV Swim and Dive!
Less than a month away and to my knowledge captain's practices are in full swing! If you are attending these workouts make sure you pay $20 for a season pass to the Y with a Teen membership. You can do so at the front desk.
Update from your captains:
Hellooooooo QV Swimmers and Divers,
This a pre-pre-season overview of what will be happening over the next two months before the start of the season:
Now - October 13th:
Informal practices will be happening during the week for those wanting to get a jump on the season. We swim Monday, Wednesday, Friday and go to Derek's Tuesday and Thursday for lifting. Swim workouts will last around 1 hour, lifting will last around 1.5 hours, both happen right after school.
October 16th - Season Start:
Official captain's practice. Strongly encouraged, but not required. Same week-schedule as informal practice but with full-length swim workouts (1.5 - 2 hours).
Another option:
If you are feeling a little more adventurous we highly recommend looking into joining a club swim team, they will dramatically improve your swimming. If you are interested, reach out to Kevin or Andres for more information.
Last year we lost a couple of seniors, and this year we will lose even more. We have to start building this team back up if we want to continue the success we have had in the past. If you know anyone that does not have a winter sport, or is interested in swimming or diving, try to get them to come out to a captains practice or two. The sooner you get them in the water the more acclimated they will be by the start of the season. We would love to grow this team.
That’s it for now. Questions or concerns can be emailed to me or one of the other captains (or Devon, he's there too).
(P.S: I believe I have everyone in this email list, but if I forgot anyone you know please send this to them)
Your 2017-2018 Captains
Welcome back QV Swim and Dive!
I know it's only August but our 2017-2018 season is just around the corner. After a very exciting end last March, we are looking forward to getting back in the water, together again, for another great season.
A few need to knows...
November 20th is the official start to the season, with Captains practices beginning on November 6th at the YMCA 3:30-5:00 PM.
You can view this years' schedule here: http://www.qvsd.org/page.cfm?p=2738&teamID=26
We have some exciting ideas for this year so please check back for information on preseason meetings and events.
Looking for an opportunity to learn a bit of technique and stroke skill before the season starts?
---> click on this link for more information.